What Is Yield Farming? Main Risks And Benefits

Yield farming is an act through DeFi where you can rent or stake your cryptocurrency in a liquidity pool to receive more rewards, such as interest and more staked cryptocurrencies. As with traditional staking, this can be considered equivalent to lending an inconvertible note to a bank.

Interest rates and compensation are often measured in terms of Annualized personal yield (APY), which is the annual rate of return on assets, including compound interest. The greater the frequency of compound interest, the greater the difference between the APY and APR of investment. Banks and other traditional investments usually stick to a uniform APR.

Yield farming is often seen as comparable to Silicon Valley startups like Uber, which provides a great incentive for initial investors to the platform. The new Blockchain app needs liquidity to keep the platform running and growing, which is where yield farming comes in.

How does yield farming work?

In its simplest form, yield financing is the same process as borrowing and lending in the conventional financial system. Central banks or institutions have no control over interest rates or loan applications. However, special DeFi systems enable efficient and effective decentralized exchange.

The liquidity pool is underlying yield farming (and many other exchanges). It is how investors lock their tokens and assets into the pool through smart contracts. These assets can be traded or lent out to other users, sometimes using algorithms to determine distribution and price, and yield farmers can regain interest in their investments.

Just as many different cryptocurrencies yield farms, there are many different liquidity and platforms for each type of digital asset. It means many options depending on the type of digital assets investors want to trade.

  • Yield Farming starts by creating a pool of cryptocurrency assets. The following are steps to be taken to promote yield-farming.
  • Creating a Liquidity Pool: The first step in yield-farming is to create a Liquidity Pool. It relies on smart contracts facilitating all investments and borrowings for that particular yield farm.
  • Investors deposit their assets: They can connect their digital wallets and deposit the currency in a liquidity pool. It is sometimes referred to as “staking.” It is somewhat similar to how customers deposit money in banks or invest in mutual funds or ETFs.
  • Enabling Lending: With Smart Contracts can facilitate several processes, such as adding liquidity to the cryptocurrency exchange market or lending it to others.
  • Compensation Payments Interest, bonuses, and compensation may vary depending on the yield farm. Payment may be made at regular intervals or on certain days in the future.
Yield farming staking

Benefits of the Yield Farming Crypto

Yield-farming cryptocurrencies can positively impact the coin’s overall state as users increase their investment. Interest rates can even rise if demand is high when funds are added to the liquidity pool. Therefore, DAI and ETH are currently popular coins, so yield farming can be said to be a good way.

This passive investing method allows investors to benefit from rewards, transaction fees, interest rates and price increases. In addition, compared to mining, yield farming does not require an initial investment other than Cryptos that are in the wallet.

Lend digital

As a yield farmer, you may lend digital assets such as Dai through DApp, such as Compound (COMP), and DApp lends coins to borrowers. Interest rates vary with the height of demand. Interest is generated daily and paid with the new COMP coin, which makes its value higher. Compound (COMP) and Aave (AAVE) are the most popular DeFi protocol couple for yield-farming, which contributed to the popularization of this section of the DeFi market.

Earn Extra Crypto

Not only can you store cryptocurrencies in your wallet, but you can also earn more Cryptos effectively through yield farming. Yield farming can earn revenue from transaction fees, token rewards, interest, and price increases. Also, yield farming is an inexpensive alternative to mining because there is no need to buy expensive mining equipment or pay for electricity.

Smart contracts

A more sophisticated yield farming strategy can be accomplished by using smart contracts or by depositing several different tokens on the crypto platform. Yield farming protocols usually focus on maximizing returns while considering liquidity and safety.

Risks of the Yield Farming Crypto

DeFi Smart Contract Risks

Smart contracts control yield farming and DeFi. A single bug in a smart contract can result in a zero-price token. A malicious hacker can exploit the bugs and security issues to manipulate the project in any way, including losing all cryptocurrency assets in the affected pool. To mitigate this risk, make sure that smart contracts are audited. Excellent Defi projects can be audited for smart contracts.

Risks of liquidation

The moment you decide to withdraw funds or Cryptos from a pool or project, there is a risk of liquidation. It isn’t exactly a risk issue; it’s a strategy issue. For example, if the value of a coin in the pool is $1,000 and its value continues to decline, there are two options: withdraw or stick to the pool.

If you withdraw, you can protect yourself from continued losses, liquidate and exchange coins, and take the next step. However, in the next hour, the coin’s value will rise, and you may wish you had not liquidated it from the beginning. On the other hand, if it is left as it is, it either continues to lose or gain, but it is certainly not impossible to say so.

Yield farming borrowing


Founders and wealthy investors control a significant portion of the yield-funding pool. Therefore, if a wealthy investor brings out a large portion of their investment, it can impact the platform so that the less-funded yield farmer will be at risk.


If you use non-stablecoin crypto assets for yield farming, there is always a volatility risk. Those looking for a crypto yield could lose money by being easily liquidated if the assets suddenly lose value and cannot add collateral in the case of DeFi lending.

Permanent losses are also a concern, as price fluctuations between paired assets can diverge in the opposite direction from when the crypto was first deposited. However, this applies only to liquidity providers, as permanent losses are not applied to staking or money markets.

Final Thoughts

Many potential investors may wonder what kind of yield farming strategy is most profitable and effective. In short, it depends on how much money you are willing to invest in yield-farming. While some high-risk strategies promise a significant return, the most effective use of these strategies often requires a deep understanding of the DeFi platform, protocols, and complex chain of investments.

If you are an investor who wants to earn passive income without investing too much, consider putting some of your cryptocurrency into a reliable platform or liquidity pool. You can get news connected with yield farming from the Algory crypto news aggregator. To learn more about crypto industry as a whole you can visit our blog.
